Choose a topic from Part 2B:
1. Prodigality is an evil by excess at the points wherecovetousness sins by defect, and vice versa. Thus, in interiordesire for riches, covetousness is excessive, prodigality isdefective. But in using riches, covetousness is defective, andprodigality is excessive. For prodigality is the careless andfoolish squandering of riches.
2. Prodigality is manifestly an evil, for it conflictswith right reason. Aristotle (Ethic. iv 1) says ofthe prodigal man that his giving is not good, nor for a goodpurpose, nor is it regulated by reason.
3. But prodigality, in itself, is not so grievous a fault ascovetousness, because: (a) it is less unreasonable; (b) it doessome good, whereas covetousness does none; (c) it is an evil morereadily cured than covetousness is.
"God gives us some things, as the beginning of faith, even when we do not pray. Other things, such as perseverance, he has only provided for those who pray."
St Augustine
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"Spiritual persons ought to be equally ready to experience sweetness and consolation in the things of God, or to suffer and keep their ground in drynesses of spirit and devotion, and for as long as God pleases, without their making any complaint about it."
St Philip Neri
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"It is vanity to be concerned with the present only and not to make provision for things to come."
Thomas á Kempis
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