Choose a topic from Part 2A:
1. Law is an ordinance of reason. The word lawderives from a Latin word which means to bind. Now, therule or measure of human acts is reason; what binds a man inreference to human acts pertains to reason.
2. Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good ofpersons in a society. Law is not directly for the benefit ofindividual persons as such, although it binds individual persons.Law is primarily for the benefit of individuals in a group, in asociety.
3. A law is thus an ordinance of reason for the commongood. A law is made either by the society which it binds, or it isimposed on that society by the public personage who has charge ofthe society and authority to rule it.
4. A law must be promulgated. That is, it must besufficiently announced and made known to those upon whom it laysobligation. Without knowledge of a law, a person cannot be guidedby it in his human acts. The full definition of law is: anordinance of reason, made and promulgated for the common good byone who has charge of a community or society.
"He who wishes to be perfectly obeyed, should give but few orders."
St Philip Neri
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"As the flesh is nourished by food, so is man supported by prayers"
St Augustine
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"There is nothing which gives greater security to our actions, or more effectually cuts the snares the devil lays for us, than to follow another person’s will, rather than our own, in doing good."
St Philip Neri
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