Choose a topic from Part 2B:
1. Presumption, as we use the word here, means the immoderateand unreasonable assuming that one can do what actually lies beyondone's power to perform. Since presumption conflicts withreason, it is sinful.
2. Presumption is an evil opposed to magnanimity. Formagnanimity is greatness of mind and purpose for honorableachievement which, however difficult, lies within a person'spower to attain. But presumption reaches with ill-foundedconfidence for what lies beyond its power to grasp.
"Try to turn your heart from the love of things visible and bring yourself to things invisible. For they who follow their own evil passions stain their consciences and lose the grace of God.
Thomas á Kempis
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"God commands not impossibilities, but by commanding he suggests to you to do what you can, to ask for what is beyond your strength; and he helps you, that you may be able."
St Augustine
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"The supreme perfection of man in this life is to be so united to God that all his soul with all its faculties and powers are so gathered into the Lord God that he becomes one spirit with him, and remembers nothing except God, is aware of and recognises nothing but God, but with all his desires unified by the joy of love, he rests contentedly in the enjoyment of his Maker alone."
St Albert the Great
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