Choose a topic from Part 2B:

41. Strife or Quarreling

1. Strife or quarreling means fighting among individuals,even as war means fighting among peoples or nations. Strife comesfrom inordinate or perverse wills. It is therefore contrary toreason; it is a sin; it can be a mortal sin.

2. Strife, as here understood, is not a mere affair ofwords as contention is; it includes deeds intended to hurt or harmanother. Strife is rightly called "the daughter ofanger."

"The more you know and the better you understand, the more severely will you be judged, unless your life is also the more holy. Do not be proud, therefore, because of your learning or skill. Rather, fear because of the talent given you."
Thomas á Kempis

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"The essence of perfection is to embrace the will of God in all things, prosperous or adverse. In prosperity, even sinners find it easy to unite themselves to the divine will; but it takes saints to unite themselves to God's will when things go wrong and are painful to self-love. Our conduct in such instances is the measure of our love of God."
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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"A man should keep himself down, and not busy himself in mirabilibus super se."
St Philip Neri

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