Choose a topic from Part 2B:

68. Unjust Accusation

1. To denounce an evil-doer is to declare hisfault openly in the hope that he may mend his ways. Toaccuse a man is to declare his fault for the purpose ofseeing him punished. Yet even punishment looks to amendment-if notalways for the one subjected to it, at least for the commonwealth.Punishment in this world is always medicinal. If a man knows of acrime against the common good, already committed or being plotted,he is obliged to make due accusation, provided he can back it withproof.

2. Accusation, to be truly lawful, must be set down inwriting. Merely oral utterances are likely to be carelessly made,inaccurately understood, and readily forgotten.

3. Rash accusation is sinful, for it involves calumny,collusion, or evasion. Calumny is a false charge. Collusion isfraud or trickery on the part of accusers, when these are two ormore. Evasion is the making of a charge and then trying to shiftout of the inconvenience that follows for the accuser. The commongood is hurt by calumny, collusion, and evasion. Hence rashaccusation is always unjust.

4. An accuser who fails to prove his charge has unjustlyput a man in danger of penalty. Such an accuser should be himselfpenalized.

"A single act of uniformity with the divine will suffices to make a saint."
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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"God speaks to us without ceasing by his good inspirations."
The Cure D'Ars

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"Though the path is plain and smooth for people of good will, those who walk it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty if they do not have good feet, courage, and tenacity of spirit. "
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church

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