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99. God's Mercy and Justice Towards the Damned

1. Scripture repeatedly tells us that the punishment ofhell is everlasting. For instance, St. Matthew says (25:46) that"the wicked shall go into everlasting punishment." Asreward is measured to meet merit, so punishment is measured to meetguilt. But the guilt of mortal sin is the guilt of completelyrejecting God and offending him whose majesty is infinite. Theguilt of such a sin deserves unending punishment.

2. There is no place for mercy in hell, for mercy cannotbe exercised upon what, by its very nature, rejects it. Theperverse will of both men and fallen angels in hell is ceaselesslyopposed to any mercy that might be shown them. Further, if mercywere to bring an end to retribution, justice would bring an end tothe happiness of heaven.

3. Despite God's wondrous mercy, the fallen angels andlost human souls, cast themselves into hell. While they hate theirtorments, they still retain their perverse will against God. Sorrowfor sin, in the sense of rejecting evil and turning to God, isutterly impossible in hell. Hence, even the mercy of theall-merciful God cannot penetrate the rebel wills of the lost andbring them relief.

4. Christians who go to hell are there eternally, just asnon-Christians are. Indeed, Christians who knew more thanmany others who are in hell, are more deserving than those othersof endless torment.

5. It cannot be said that those who perform works of mercyduring life on earth will necessarily escape the punishments ofhell. Even great sinners may sometimes do remarkable deeds ofmercy. During earthly life, such deeds may be the means of winning(congruously) contrition for the one who performs them, but theyare no guarantee that contrition will be accepted, or that it willendure to the end of life, and so enable the performer of the gooddeeds to escape hell.

"To think of oneself as nothing, and always to think well and highly of others is the best and most perfect wisdom. Wherefore, if you see another sin openly or commit a serious crime, do not consider yourself better, for you do not know how long you can remain in good estate. All men are frail, but you must admit that none is more frail than yourself. "
Thomas á Kempis

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"It is not God's will that we should abound in spiritual delights, but that in all things we should submit to his holy will."
Blessed Henry Suso

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"Spiritual persons ought to be equally ready to experience sweetness and consolation in the things of God, or to suffer and keep their ground in drynesses of spirit and devotion, and for as long as God pleases, without their making any complaint about it."
St Philip Neri

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