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53. Vows and Orders as Impediments

1. A simple vow which is in conflict with thestate and duties of marriage is a prohibiting impediment, but doesnot annul a marriage. However, a person with such a simple vow sinsby marrying unless he has first obtained dispensation from his vowat the hands of the proper ecclesiastical authorities.

2. A solemn vow of chastity in a religious orderor congregation is adiriment impediment of matrimony. Oncethe vow is formally taken, it renders a subsequent marriageinvalid.

3. A man who has received subdeaconship has solemnly takenupon himself the obligation of celibacy. Therefore, he cannotthereafter contract a valid marriage. In some Eastern rites, amarried man can be ordained; but it is a general ecclesiastical lawthat no ordained man can (after subdeaconship) enter the marriedstate.

4. The fact that a true marriage exists does notnecessarily bar a man from sacred orders. If the wife dies, or ifshe freely consents to release her husband permanently from themarital obligation, the husband can be ordained; he receives withhis ordination to subdeaconship the obligation of perfect andperpetual celibacy.

"A tree that is cultivated and guarded through the care of its owner produces its fruit at the expected time. "
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church

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"It is vanity to love what passes quickly and not to look ahead where eternal joy abides. "
Thomas á Kempis

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"Every man naturally desires knowledge; but what good is knowledge without fear of God? Indeed a humble rustic who serves God is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars."
Thomas á Kempis

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